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Emergency Lighting

At BPS Electrics our Electricians are specialists in Industrial and Commercial electrical work.

Emergency and Exit Lighting Testing and Maintenance Brisbane

Emergency lights are a critical part of any building’s safety plan, and we can help. We have the knowledge and experience to make sure your system is installed properly so that it works when you need it most. Our electricians will work with you to design an emergency lighting solution that meets all local regulations for compliance. And if there’s ever a power outage, our team will be on-site within hours to test the system and ensure it performs as expected.

Emergency Lighting

You don’t want something like this happening at your workplace – especially not during business hours! That’s why we offer 24/7 service for emergencies like these. No matter what time of day or night, one call is all it takes for us to get out there ASAP so everyone can stay safe until the power comes back on again. Book emergency lighting services today.

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Are your Emergency and Exit Lights Functional?

These lights are located in common areas of the building and stairways to provide adequate light for people to safely exit the building in case of an emergency. When your building has a power outage, emergency lights turn on automatically and indicate the safest route for occupants to exit the building. Under the AS/NZS 2293, emergency lighting is essential. Emergency lights can keep the building illuminated for at least 90 minutes for occupants to safely evacuate the building.

BPS Electrics can design, install, test and maintain your emergency lighting system. Our electricians are licensed and can help with all your emergency lighting requirements. Need expert help now? Book an electrician today.

Types of Emergency and Exit Lights

Maintained - maintained lights are always functional and switch to battery operation in case of a power outage. These lights are used in car parks and emergency stairwells.

Non-maintained - they are functional in times of a power outage. LED spitfires and floodlights are examples of non-maintained emergency lights

Sustained - Sustained lights use a different light source in an emergency mode. They have two lamps within the light fitting and only one lamp works in the case of an emergency.

How often do you need to get your Emergency and Exit Lights Tested?

According to AS 2293, the emergency light fittings need to be tested every 6 months. Each fitting is inspected and faulty fittings are replaced.

The fittings are then tested for 90 minutes without the main power supply. This test ensures the battery is functional and the lights remain active for the duration of the test. The test results including the fittings that pass or fail the test as well as their locations are recorded.

We provide testing for exit and emergency lighting systems. We can also combine your emergency light testing with electrical inspections, test and tag services, smoke alarm and safety switch testing. Discuss your requirements with our electricians and we will be happy to help.

Exit and Emergency Lighting Solutions Brisbane and Gold Coast

To arrange an emergency light installation, testing, maintenance service for your workplace, contact us on 0488 827 315 or complete our online quote form.

Looking for an electrician? Speak to us today.

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